Friday, October 06, 2006

Kinsey Sicks

This is the sort of thing you have to put up with when you go to college. Today the University of Wyoming's: Friday Night Fever is going to show "The Kinsey Sicks". Why? Why must a student looking for a little entertainment after a long week have to be subjected to this kind of liberal recruitment garbage? You never see the university bring over conservative speakers or conservative shows, but nearly every other event here is liberal propaganda. This night's show is titled "CONDOLEEZZAPALOOZA", and anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature (in celcius) can tell what it's going to be about. I actually attended one of these shows during my freshman year and it was aweful. It had one of the most inaccurate depictions of President Bush, akin to that of a monkey. Though I can see Bush as being somewhat of a goober he has made some good descisions and has lead us through not one, but several terrorist attacks. Those in charge of Friday Night Fever, I have a message for you: "NO MORE KINSEY SICKS".



At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bush... has made some good descisions and has lead us through not one, but several terrorist attacks."

Phew for a moment I thought you wrote "lead us to"...


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